www.ShopperScanned.com is a member of the ShopperScanned® Identity Checked™ program.


www.ShopperScanned.com has been approved to display the ShopperScanned® Identity Checked™ certification seal. This verifies that the identity of this business has been reviewed and meets the standards of the ShopperScanned® Identity Checked™ seal program.

The ShopperScanned® Identity Checked™ Seal means:
  • This business distinguishes itself from online competitors that have not allowed ShopperScanned® to review their identity.
  • The business name has been checked.
  • The business address has been checked.
  • The business telephone number has been checked.*
  • The business domain name (website address) has been checked.*
    * when applicable.
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ShopperScanned® is a registered trademark. Copyright © ShopperScanned.com.

Disclaimer: This information is intended as an indication of the identity verification efforts of ShopperScanned® regarding this business and/or website. While approval and/or verification in the ShopperScanned® identity checked™ program cannot 100% guarantee the business identity, it does show an indication that this business and/or its operators take your concerns of their business identity seriously. By using the information supplied, you agree that we cannot and will not be held liable in any event. To verify legitimate participation in the ShopperScanned® program, please make sure the web box address starts with http://www.shopperscanned.com, please contact us (link below) to report fraudulent use of our service.

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